Edo People

Edo People
Author(s): PRINCE AGHATOR IDUBOR https://www.amazon.com/stores/PRINCE-AGHATOR-IDUBOR/author/B0CDJ3QZ45?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Edited By
Type: Book
Country: Nigeria
Language: English
Content:: Non Academic
Source: African Archives
Timeline: African age - From 1960 (zama za Africa)
Published: 2024
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Join "Edo People: History of Benin and Ancient Warriors of Benin Kingdom" on an incredible voyage through time to enter a realm of historical grandeur and alluring traditions. Explore the fascinating story of the Edo people, a group with a rich cultural past that has profoundly influenced both Nigerian and global history.Join renowned historian Prince Aghator Idubor as he deftly combines a tapestry of historic occurrences, fabled individuals, and vivid customs that have defined the great Benin Kingdom. Investigate the beginnings of the Edo people and their earliest settlements to learn how the great and advanced Benin Kingdom came to be in the midst of West Africa's gorgeous landscapes.Discover the reigns of powerful kings, such as the renowned Oba Ovonramwen, who gallantly fought against European colonial troops, the visionary Oba Esigie, who promoted art and culture, and the legendary Oba Ewuare I, a fearsome warrior. Their tales come to life, highlighting their victories, setbacks, and the resolute spirit of the Edo people.Engage in the social structures and hierarchies that helped to form Edo culture, where the renowned Queen Mothers were powerful characters. Explore the thriving diplomatic and commerce ties that the Benin Kingdom enjoyed with other countries and that inspired awe and fascination.Celebrate the Edo people's brilliant artistic talent. They are known for their mastery of bronze sculpture and beadwork. Learn about
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